4Sight, for your Utility Needs.
4Sight Utility Engineers (4Sight) is a collaboration of leading Industry Experts lead by Lawrence Arcand, P.Eng, P.E. Our team brings together decades of experience to provide clients with high-quality, high-value services.
4Sight is built on the following principles:
- At 4Sight we define what it means to be leaders in the market, and have a relentless pursuit of that goal.
- At 4Sight we believe Quality Deliverables and Client Satisfaction is the best measure of a projects success.
- At 4Sight we attract top staff, because we offer training, mentorship and opportunities to fulfill their career goals, as well as an opportunity to share in the ownership of the company.
Building on our solid foundation of industry experience, 4Sight is well positioned fulfill the needs of our clients. We have a humble approach. We are not focused on flashy or fancy, just good old fashioned reliable service to our clients.
To find out more about our team, please give us a call - 905-424-1959.

Congratulations Lawrence on the next chapter of your career. I have no doubt that 4Sight Utility Engineers will thrive, and grow to become one of the top professional full service Utility Engineering firms for Subsurface Utility Engineering, Utility Coordination and Utility Design. Your exemplary leadership, impeccable record of quality, relentlessly passion to serve your clients & associates will lead to success. Your extensive experience in applying the right balance of scope of service and budget, will make 4Sight Utility Engineers, the perfect fit for the needs of the clients, it’s associates and the industry to come. I know I speak for many, Lawrence we are by your side and I look forward to sending business your way, knowing 4Sight will deliver.
Nick Zembillas, CEO
Subsurface Utility Engineering LLC
There’s only a handful of engineers I would want handling my utility investigation, documentation, and coordination needs on a major project. Lawrence Arcand is one of them with a proven track record of success.
Jim Anspach, PG (ret.) Dist.M.ASCE
President, Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute 2018

Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE)
Utilizing a variety of data sources, 4Sight can create a complete an accurate, reliable map of the utility networks on your project.

Utility Coordination
4Sight can manage a project’s utility risk by providing an experienced Utility Engineer to identify conflicts and minimizing relocation requirements.

Utility Design
4Sight has the expertise to design a variety of utility infrastructure.